Tintern Grammar

Avalon College มอบทุนการศึกษา ฟรี!

Tintern Grammar

CRICOS Provider Number : 00348E
Address : 90 Alexandra Road, Ringwood East 3135, Victoria, Australia
Website : www.tintern.vic.edu.au
School Type : Coeducational school

Avalon College มอบทุนการศึกษา ฟรี!


Tintern Grammar เป็นโรงเรียนสหศึกษาแบบประจำและ ไป-กลับ เปิดสอนมามากกว่า 135 ปี จุดเด่นของโรงเรียนนี้คือการสร้างแรงบันดาลใจให้นักเรียนในการพัฒนาตนเอง สร้างโอกาสในการค้นหาตนเอง และสร้างความมีระเบียบ เพื่อความสำเร็จด้านการเรียนของนักเรียนในระยะยาว โดยนักเรียนทุกคนจะได้รับการสนับสนุนให้พัฒนาศักยภาพของตนเองในทุกด้าน ไม่ว่าจะเป็นด้านวิชาการ การกีฬา หรือดนตรี ส่งเสริมให้นักเรียนเตรียมความพร้อมสำหรับการเข้ามหาลัยและการใช้ชีวิตในอนาคต อีกทั้งโรงเรียนยังเป็นที่ยอมรับอีกว่ามีสภาพแวดล้อมที่เอื้ออำนวยแก่การศึกษาอย่างดีเยี่ยม

Tintern ตั้งอยู่ในย่าน Ringwood East ซึ่งเป็นย่านศูนย์ราชการ อยู่ห่างจากเมือง Melbourne เพียง 25 กิโลเมตร

Curriculum and Qualifications
Tintern Grammar มีระบบการเรียนให้นักเรียนเลือก 2 ระบบ ได้แก่

  • หลักสูตร International Baccalaureate (IB)
  • Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE)

โดยมีหลักสูตรและรายวิชาเรียนที่หลากหลาย เช่น การกีฬา ศิลปะ การแสดง และเทคโนโลยี

Academic Achievement / Other Notable Achievements
60% ของนักเรียนชั้น Year 12 มีผลคะแนนเฉลี่ย ATAR อยู่ที่ 80 คะแนน หรือมากกว่า ซึ่งถือเป็น 20% ของนักเรียนชั้น Year 12 ทั่วประเทศ นอกจากนี้ คะแนน ATAR สูงที่สุดของนักเรียนที่นี่ อยู่สูงถึง 99.45 คะแนน (ซึ่งจัดอยู่ในกลุ่มที่มีคะแนนสูงที่สุดเพียง 1% ของจำนวนนักเรียนทั้งหมดของรัฐ Victoria ทั้งหมด)

Support Services for International Students
Tintern Grammar ให้ความสำคัญต่อการดูแลเอาใจใส่นักเรียนเป็นอย่างมาก ไม่ว่าจะเป็นการดูแลจากอาจารย์และเจ้าหน้าที่ในฝ่ายต่างๆ โดยมีสำนักงานที่คอยดูแลเด็กนักเรียนต่างชาติโดยเฉพาะ ซึ่งมีหน้าที่คอยช่วยเหลือนักเรียนต่างชาติในด้านต่างๆ เช่น การปรับตัว การเรียน และให้คำปรึกษาในทุกเรื่อง เพื่อช่วยให้นักเรียนรู้สึกอบอุ่นและสามารถปรับตัวให้เข้ากับ สภาพแวดล้อมใหม่ๆ ได้ง่ายขึ้น

Trinity Grammar School, KEW

Trinity Grammar School, Kew

CRICOS Provider Number : 00350M

Address : 40 Charles St, Kew VIC 3101 Australia

School Type : independent Anglican day and boarding school for boys

Trinity Grammar School Kew

Philosophy – Special Features Brief history

Trinity Grammar School is an Anglican-based school, which has been established for more than 100 years. Trinity Grammar School concerns student learning outcomes; therefore, the school provide students with the latest teaching & learning facilities, and quality education to every international student


The school is located 5 kilometers from Melborne’s CBD and accessible transportation routes. Students can travel to school by tram, train, and bus.

Curriculum and Qualifications

Core curriculum includes English, Math, Science, History, Geography, Information Technology and Personal Health and physical education (Please note: the information was last updated on 22/8/2017)

Pathways to Schools

Admission and the year level a student will enter, is based upon their ability in English, school reports and other information as requested. An English ability test is required before commencing at the school

Academic Achievement / Other Notable Achievements

Students at the school have achieved notable academic milestones and many students successfully continue into university. Other notable achievements include:

  • 30% of all final year students achieved enrolment into the University of Melbourne and many of those students did a double major.
  • 23% of students entered the Faculty of Law, Commerce and Business Administration.
  • 18% of students pursued IT-related programs and degrees.
  • 7% of students chose to study medicine.

Many Year 12 successfully scored higher than the average score in Victoria combined.

1/3 of all students scored at the Top 10 of the state each year.


Boarders at Trinity Grammar School, Kew live in a close-knit community and are under the care of the boarding House Master and his family, who are committed to provide safe, supportive and nurturing home away from home.

Support Services for International students

The school provides care and support for international student as follows:

  • Academic assistance
  • Accommodation and guardianship
  • Issues relating to student visas
  • Medical issue

Avalon College

CRICOS Provider Number : 01803A

Website : www.avaloncollege.vic.edu.au

Address : 480 Avalon Road,Lara, VIC, AUSTRALIA 3212

School Type : Co-educational English language boarding school

Philosophy – Special Features Brief history

Avalon College is a boarding school especially for international students because the curriculum includes courses in English to help students prepare for the regular term in elementary and for high school. The atmosphere in Avalon College is more like a large family rather than a boarding school for the international students. It is maintained like this so the students feel at ease and feel safe to create a more efficient study environment. Avalon College does not only teach English to its students, but uses the Australian educational standard in teaching and evaluating students so they get accustomed and are prepared to enter regular classes. The college also has experienced English teachers who are able to teach students who do not speak English as their primary language.


Avalon College is located the state of Victoria, 45 minutes away from Melbourne’s International airport. Driving from the airport only takes 40 minutes.

Curriculum and Qualifications

Education in Avalon College focuses on enabling students to speak English and familiarity with the language. This is done by grouping international students together. Students will be taught listening, reading and mainly focus on writing. Apart from this, students will also work in groups and will be able to express their opinions and voice their thoughts in the classroom. They will also be able to experience firsthand the Australian culture. Avalon College has also launched short courses which consist of English learning together with exciting activities that will help the student excel in their language development in a short period of time.

Pathways to Schools

Avalon College provides advice and counseling for students who are unsure of where to continue their studies after graduating. Counseling is provided the college can help guide the best school for each student.

Academic Achievement / Other Notable Achievements

The majority of students who graduate from Avalon College are mostly able to attend the top schools in Australia


Located in a safe and caring environment, Avalon College has all the facilities to facilitate the students learning progress. The school also provides 3 meals a day and has both Western and Asian meals.

Support Services for International students

General counseling is provided for all individual students including health (students can use their preferred language).

The Geelong College

The Geelong College

CRICOS Provider Number : 00142G

Address : PO Box 5, Geelong, VIC, AUSTRALIA 3220

Website : www.geelongcollege.vic.edu.au

School Type : Co-educational, Day and Boarding

Philosophy – Special Features Brief history 

Geelong College is a private, coeducation school and is recognized one of Australia’s leading colleges. The school was founded in 1861 and has a long history of academic excellence. The school promotes a community-like environment, mixed with traditional values and modern technology. In addition to providing a solid curriculum, Geelong College encourages all students to participate in other non-academic activities such as arts, sports, music and more. As a result, students who successfully graduate from the school are confident young adults, achieving high test scores and are able to enter leading universities of their choice.


Geelong College is located in Geelong (an hour away from Melbourne) and it is Melbourne’s second largest city in the state of Victoria consisting of a population of 208,000 people. Geelong College is positioned in a safe environment, ideal for student, teachers and parents.

Curriculum Qualification

Geelong college offers 2 types of curriculums:

• Preparatory School, starting at age 3 to Grade 8.

• Senior School, Grade 9 to Grade 12 onwards. During Year 9 – 10, students will search for courses that will align with their interests.

Therefore, Geelong will determine all programmes and courses to ensure they meet students’ expectations. Students in Year 11 – 12 will receive intensive lessons from each subject, effectively enhancing their skills before university enrolment. Additionally, there will be extra teachers for each subject, extra courses and additional group work activities designed for Year 11 – 12.

English Language support

Students can study English as a Second Language (ESL) to improve their English proficiency. ESL classes are small and compact and are taught by experienced teachers.

Academic Achievement

The Geelong College has a successful record of academic achievements including students achieving high VCE scores and an overall score of 82.95 in ATAR in 2013. Additionally, an impressive 33% of Year 12 students scored more than 90.00 in ATAR in that year.


Geelong College provides students with boarding facilities, for girls and for boys. The rooms are light, comfortable and are furnished with necessities, including large common areas with kitchenettes and recreation areas. The boarding facilities hold as much as 100 students, including both local and international studies. The college places great emphasis on providing a safe environment for students to live comfortably while pursuing their educational careers at the college. There are on-site medical staff in case of emergencies as well as extra staff to help tutor students.

The Kilmore International School

The Kilmore International School

CRICOS Provider Number : 00671 E

Website : www.kilmore.vic.edu.au

Address : 40 White Street, Kilmore, VIC, AUSTRALIA 3764

School Type : Co-educational, Day and Boarding school

Philosophy – Special Features Brief history

The Kilmore International School is a private, coeducational school with an outstanding reputation. Founded in 1989, the school operates as a day school with optional boarding facilities. By welcoming students from Year 7 to Year 12, all students are eligible to take the prestigious International Baccalaureate (IB) Programme. Unlike other schools where only certain individuals are accepted, all students from Kilmore International School are entitled to the programme.

The IB programme is a highly prestigious curriculum which effectively prepares students for higher education. The IB programme is accredited by leading universities worldwide including Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard and Yale.


The school is located 58 kilometres from downtown Melbourne and the school can be reached by both bus and train. The Kilmore International School is situated in an ideal environment, far away from the city and surrounded by peace and tranquillity amidst lush surroundings.

Curriculum and Qualifications

The Kilmore International School is the only school in Australia where all students are entitled to participate in the programme. Additionally, the school is a member of the Melbourne Schools Partnership International, an educational body in cooperation with the University of Melbourne The Kilmore International School is the only school in Australia that provides the IB programme to all its students, preparing them for higher education. Additionally, the school is a member of the Melbourne Schools Partnership International, a group in cooperation with the University of Melbourne ensuring all students receive scholarships from the university.

English Language Support

The Kilmore International School understand the needs and obstacles faced by international students who do not speak English as their primary language. Therefore, the school provides extensive language support for all international students. There will be staff readily available to teach extra English classes to students from each level. In 2010, the school opened its very first ELICOS course, aimed to preparing and improving each student’s English skills before enrolling into secondary schools.

Academic Achievement / Other Notable Achievements

Over the last 25 years, students from the school were accepted into universities of their choosing with an IB Diploma.

  • There were at least 2 students who scored 99.65 points in ATAR.
  • 17% of students scored 98 points or higher in ATAR.
  • 58% of students scored 90 points or higher in ATAR.
  • 80% of students scored 80 points or higher in ATAR.


The school provides single sex dormitories for boys and girls, located on and off campus. The dorms have recreational areas and facilities to ensure the students are comfortable during their stay.

Support Services for International students

Students will be take cared by staffs in all aspects including welfare, academic, resident and parents,visa, passport as well as health care which is the responsibility of the school nurse.

The Peninsula School

The Peninsula School

CRICOS Provider Number : 00333A

Website : www.tps.vic.edu.au

Address : Wooralla Drive, Mt Eliza, Victoria, Australia 3930

School Type : Co – educational, boarding school


The Peninsula School is a coeducational school, focused on the achieving academic excellence, success and developing leadership qualities. Students at the school will be taught ethics and the ability to work together with others in unison. The Peninsula School is a member of the Melbourne University Program for High Achieving Students (MUPHAS), which allows students to progress into leading universities in Melbourne.


The Peninsula School is located at Mt. Eliza across 35 acres of land and is mainly surrounded by nature, providing the perfect environment for studying and sports.

Curriculum and Qualifications

Successful graduates from the school receive a VCE certificate. Students in Year 11 and Year 12 can choose the Vocational Education and Training (VET) certificate if they wish to pursue a profession after graduation.

Entry requirements for overseas students

The school will consider the student’s qualifications based on the student’s academic records and non-academic activities such as sports, for example. Students are not required to present their English results such as IELTS or TOEFL when applying to the school.

English Language Support

The school has an English centre for international students and the centre is staffed with qualified English teachers, proficient in teaching ESL classes.

Pathways to University

Students can consult with staff about their educational and career path and in return, will receive expert guidance by the school’s veteran staff. Students entering their final year of study can sit down with a staff member and plan out their university career with the help of the MUPHAS programme. Staff will be available to help, advise and guide students in selecting courses, fitted for first year students.

Academic Achievement / Other Notable Achievements

In addition to providing students with a solid curriculum, The Peninsula School is the leader in Arts and Sport as well.


The school provides dormitories for students who wish to board. Boarding facilities are separated by gender: Boys and girls. The dorms are located on school grounds which provide students with safety, comfort and a homely feel.

Support Services for International students

International students can receive counselling from the International Enrolment Department staff, dorm heads, ESL teachers, doctors and even counsellors.

Toorak College

Toorak College

CRICOS Provider Number : 00349D

Website : www.stmichaels.vic.edu.au

Address : Old Mornington Road, Mount Eliza, VIC, AUSTRALIA 3930

Philosophy – Special Features Brief history

Toorak College is an all girls’ boarding school and is considered one of the oldest schools in Australia. The school has been founded 132 years ago and continues to operate until today. The school’s main objective is to develop each student’s abilities across a spectrum of categories such as sports, arts and music for instance.


Toorak College is located 1 hour away from Melbourne. The school is located in a peaceful environment, close to the sea that provides the ideal environment for students to enjoy, relax and study.

Curriculum and Qualifications

The school is open to students from Kindergarten to Year 12. Students in Year 10 are able to choose 1 of 2 curriculums to pursue: Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE), a certificate awarded upon successful completion of the course requirements and continue onwards to university. The other is Vocational Education & Training (VET), a certificate awarded to students pursuing a specific career after graduation.

Entry requirements for overseas students

Students at Toorak College from Year 7 – 10 must present their Academic Report prior to applying to the school. This process is required for staff to determine the student’s scores and eligibility to enter Year 11 – 12. Students must take the AEAS Test (which can be taken at CETA) to determine their English proficiency skills as well

English Language Support

The school has prepared an Intensive English course for students whose English is not their primary language. The courses will be taught by a qualified English teacher with many years of teaching experience and works closely with international students.

Pathways to University

The school has a centre for students who are on their last phase of their academic journey to come in and consult with the school’s counsellors for advice.

Academic Achievement / Other Notable Achievements

In 2013, many students from the school achieved many noteworthy academic milestones:

  • Many students achieved an average ATAR score of 83.55 points.
  • 15% of students under VCE achieved ATAR scores in the Top 5% of the country.
  • 30% of students in all of Year 12 achieved ATAR scores in the Top 10% of the country.
  • 54% of students in all of Year 12 achieved ATAR scores in the Top 20% of the country.
  • 76% of students in all of Year 12 achieved ATAR scores in the Top 30% of the country.

All students from Year 12 received university offers.


The school’s boarding facilities are provided for high school students within a safe, secure and positive environment. Students will be well-cared for during their time at the school.

Support Service for International student

The school has international students from 20 different countries from around the world. Each student will be personally assisted by the staff, ensuring each student is on track and happy.

Trinity Grammar School

CRICOS Provider Number – 00671E
เว็บไซต์ – http://www.trinity.nsw.edu.au/
ที่อยู่ – 60 Wellington Street, Kew, Victoria 3101 Australia

Trinity Grammar School is an Anglican boys’ school with close ties to the Anglican Church of Australia. It’s a 100-year-old school which located just 5 kilometers from the Melbourne CBD with train, tram and bus passes. The school is located in the most peaceful and safe area of Melbourne. Trinity has many modern facilities and teaching aids, it is considered an institution that creates new generations who are ready to be a leadership. Trinity has been very successful in educating international students from many countries in Asia. Trinity is well known for its attentiveness to student’s needs, which are done by their qualified teachers who are willing to dedicate their time to provide support in career planning, advice in pathways to University and Language development as well as social skills. Many international students who have studied at Trinity are friends for a life time.

At Trinity, they teach a total of 4 different languages including Indonesia, Chinese, French and German as well as English as a Second Language for international students who are in year 11 and 12, in order to help achieve their best in other subjects. In the past, Trinity students are eligible to be part of the best university entrance exams every year and most students choose to study at university rather than drop outs or diploma. In the recent years, over 30% of students in year 12 are accepted to University of Melbourne and a number these students are enrolled in double major. In addition, the Trinity Year 12 student score approximately 3-5 times higher than the state average. And one-third of all students are ranked in the Top 10 of the state every year. This allows students to enroll in whichever college they desire.

Victorian Government Schools

Victorian Government Schools

CRICOS Provider Number : 00861K

Address : GPO Box 4367 Melbourne, VIC, AUSTRALIA 3001

Website : www.study.vic.gov.au

School Type : Co-educational school

Philosophy – Special Features, Brief history

Victorian Government Schools are schools with high academic standards and a reputation for their unmatched, academic excellence and extensive curriculum. Victorian Government Schools promote multiculturalism and the school encourages students to exchange each other’s cultural values and traditions. These schools promote students to work together by participating in recreational activities and building relationships with one another. There are over 100 schools to choose from and each school possesses its very own standard of education. Parents can ensure each student will receive the best education provided by each school respectively. Classes are small and concise, allowing students’ maximum exposure and assistance from the teachers.

Curriculum and Qualifications

Victorian Government Schools offer courses under the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) which provides a wide spectrum of academic subjects for students to choose from. In Year 12, students have the option to choose over 70 subjects to take according to their interests. Each school provides different subjects and students can consult with the school staff in choosing the subjects best suited to their needs and expectations.

English Language Support

Victorian Government School offers Intensive English Language Programmes, especially designed to improve a student’s concentration, communication, and reading plus written skills.

Pathways to University

Students can submit their VCE scores to the universities in Victoria and other Australian states or universities around the world. Accommodation Students will be staying with homestay families. Living with an Australian family is an excellent way to develop and improve their spoken English skills. Living with homestay families provide additional benefits as it is also cost effective while gathering knowledge of Australia and its peoples.

Support Services for International students

International students will be closely supervised and monitored by staff to ensure students are well cared for. Staff will be responsible for the student’s immigration documents, health and overall well-being.

Wesley College

Wesley College

CRICOS Provider Number : 00354G

Address : 577 St Kilda Road, Melbourne, VIC, AUSTRALIA 3004

Website : www.wesleycollege.net

School Type : Coeducational school

Philosophy – Special Features, Brief history

Wesley College is a coeducational school founded in 1866 with a student body averaging over a 1,000 students to date. The Wesley College is a highly recognized college in Victoria with a history of academic excellence and provides the most up-to-date facilities for its students. Therefore, due to its facilities an extensive academic history, many students from around the world choose Wesley College as their educational institution of choice. Additionally, due to the large number of international students at the school, Wesley College promotes itself as a highly diversified college featuring a vast array of cultures, traditions and religions all gathered in one place. Overall, 95% of students in the school choose the IB Programme and have successfully progressed on to noteworthy universities in Australia and around the world. Students were accepted into the University of Melbourne, Monash University, Oxford, Cambridge and Harvard University.


Wesley College has 3 campuses:

  • Elsternwick campus is open to all students from Kindergarten to Year 9 and is located 12 kilometres from Melbourne.
  • Glen Waverly campus is open to all students from Kindergarten to Year 12 and is located 15 kilometres from Melbourne.
  • St Kilda Road campus is open to all students from Kindergarten to Year 12 and is located 5 kilometres from Melbourne.

Curriculum and Qualifications

Wesley College has 2 curriculums:

  • Courses in Year 9 – 10 will intensively prepare students for entry into Senior School.
  • Courses in Year 11 – 12 will feature courses from IB, VCE and VET programmes. Students can freely choose which programme they wish to enrol in and its subjects.

Academic Achievement / Other Notable Achievements

Students from Wesley College have shown their ability to exceed expectations under VCE and IB programmes. Many students achieved an average ATAR score of 86.70 and 70% of students who took IB courses achieved ATAR scores of more than 90 points. Most students from the school were able to enter the University of Melbourne or Monash University successfully.

Support Services for International Students

The school can arrange suitable accommodations for the students, Guardianship services and ESL services at every campus. There will be on-site staff to help students through their academic year and provide counselling services for students planning on pursuing specific professions after graduation.

Westbourne Grammar School

Westbourne Grammar School

CRICOS Provider Number : 00355F

Address : 300 Sayers Road, Truganina, VIC, AUSTRALIA 3029

Website : www.westbournegrammar.com

School Type : Co-educational, Day school

Philosophy – Special Features, Brief history

Westbourne Grammar School is a private school founded in 1867 and best known for its academic excellence. The school’s curriculum is designed to help students achieve the best grades, with the help of dedicated staff. As a result, students will be prepared to entire higher education with ease. Additionally, the school is equipped with the latest facilities, academic resources and activities. Additionally, the school has a nursing facility and the school takes students out on excursions during holidays. Students in Year 9 are encouraged to learn a secondary language other than English.


The school is located in Victoria, on the west side of Melbourne. Traveling to and from the school to Melbourne takes only 20 minutes by car.

Curriculum and Qualifications

Students in Year 11 and 12 are required to take the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE). It is a certification that is recognized nationally and worldwide. The school’s examinations are provided by the Victorian Curriculum Assessment Authority and monitored by the Ministry of Education in the State of Victoria.  Entry requirements for overseas students Students who plan to enrol in the school from Year 7 to Year 11 onwards must present the latest school transcript, documenting the last 2 years of study, teacher’s recommendation and AEAS result.

Intensive English/ ESL Support

International students will receive a lot of help by the school’s staff. English classes are small, intensive and usually have less than 10 students per class, allowing students to improve their English skills with their teacher and friends.

Pathways to University

To progress to university, students must successfully pass Year 12 examinations and all VCE courses. Students can use their VCE scores to apply to universities across the country as well as Canada, New Zealand, United Kingdom and the United States.

Academic Achievement /Other Notable Achievements

Westbourne Grammar School has a record of academic achievements by its students.

  • In 2013, students achieved an average ATAR score of 85 points.
  • Statistically speaking, 50% of students from Westbourne achieved outstanding scores, ranking the school at number 14 in all of Australia.
  • Overall, 60% of students achieved an ATAR score of more than 80 points.


Westbourne students are required to stay with homestay families in the case the student does not have any relatives in Australia. However, if the student does have relatives, they can stay with them as well.

Support Services for International students

The school has established a centre for international students in order to better help and serve the students. There will be a Student Coordinator to advise and assist students in every subject including establishing student clubs and activities. Additionally, the school provides transportation services to and from the airport.

Whitefriars College

Whitefriars College

CRICOS Provider Number : 01680G

Address : 156 Park Road, Donvale, Victoria, Australia 3111

Website : www.whitefriars.vic.edu.au

Philosophy – Special Features, Brief history

Whitefriars College is an all boys’ college founded in 1961. It is a Catholic college for boys aimed to develop a real sense of belonging, strengthened by positive interaction between teachers and peers. Whitefirars is the only Carmelite College in Australia and it is one of the largest Catholic Secondary College in Melbourne. The school highly believes that success is not merely based on education but is based on relationships built between one another through compassion and support. One of the school’s main aspects is to encourage all students to become a leader. The school has established a Leadership Programme for students in Year 10 and 11 to allow students to practice and show their individual leadership skills. Classmates get to vote a leader for each House (House Captains) and the leader of each House has the responsibility to represent each House and provide comments to the School Board.

Entry Requirements for Overseas Students

Students are required to present their most recent transcript and AEAS results.

Intensive English / ESL Support

Whitefriars College provides English language classes for those who do not speak English as their primary language. There will be ESL classes for students in Year 9 – 12 with on-site staff to help all international students. Students can also take extra English classes outside of the student’s regular class schedule or seek one-on-one help from staff.

 Curriculum & Qualifications

Students are encouraged to discover their discipline of interest at the college. The college provides many options for students to choose: Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, Technology, Humanities, Performing Arts, Design, Physics and Theology and more. Additionally, the school provides outdoor educational activities such as field trips, sporting events, concerts, theatre and more for students to participate in. The school features state-of-the-art facilities to aid teachers in teaching. Additionally, the school has a large computer lab for students interested in learning more about Information Technology. The school provides high-speed internet connections for students to use for their school work and developed its very own network to support the school.

Support Services for International Students

Whitefriars College provides dedicated staff to assist international students whether it’s dealing with academia or planning for university; there will be staff to guide students to the fullest. In addition, the school provides extensive teaching materials and facilities to help students with their homework and coursework. Facilities include a large library, computer labs, theatres, rehearsal rooms, laboratories and a dark room for image printing. During their academic year, students will be guided along the way to ensure every student will learn something new and use this knowledge in their academic journey ahead.


Whitefriars College provides homestay services, hand-picked by the college’s staff.